How to Own Your Videos and Improve SEO

How to Own Your Videos and Improve SEO

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Video content is only growing in popularity and becoming increasingly important for content creators to invest time and energy into. While creating videos might be daunting to those who are new to it, we have a quick and easy guide for creating great video content.

So now that you have your video content, you need to put it somewhere where people will see it. You have two choices—to host your site on a third-party website or self-host. While a lot of publishers will choose to upload their video to a third-party site, there are a lot of benefits to self-hosting videos.

Ezoic’s Video Player allows publishers to host their own videos and test locations so that their videos are only showing in places that will improve SEO and ad revenue, and provide better options for video indexing and search engines. Below, we’ll cover how you can use the Video Player to keep your content on your page and how it relates to SEO.

How to use Ezoic’s Video Player to keep content on your page

The most common platform to share videos to is YouTube, and uploading your videos there may get you a lot of views and interactions. However, the trouble with using YouTube to host your videos is that you don’t own that contentYouTube does. At any time, YouTube could completely shut down your channel, and it is very hard to communicate with them and go through the appeal process. 

Not only does uploading videos to YouTube take the power out of your hands, but finding the perfect place to embed that video can be difficult. How can you know with certainty that the place on the page you inserted the video is going to get it attention while also preserving the rest of your content?

Self-hosting videos keeps your content in your hands and can also provide you the opportunity to know exactly where videos should be placed to improve SEO, for both the video and the content around it.

The Ezoic Video Player has been in beta testing for months, allowing select publishers to test put its features while Ezoic put on the finishing touches. Ezoic Video Player will soon be out of beta.

To start, publishers simply need to upload their video to Ezoic’s Video Player, add a placeholder using the Ezoic Chrome Extension, and choose preferences for which videos to display in that placeholder. Once a video is uploaded and a placeholder has been created properly, Ezoic’s technology can begin to test what video to show, where to show it, and when to show it.

How does Video Player improve my SEO?

Ezoic’s Video Player improves SEO by only showing relevant videos in the most-optimized locations to the right visitors. The more users that visit your website, the better Ezoic gets at deciding where, when, and what to show. Even so, you still have complete control over your videos and how and when they appear on your website.

Ezoic’s technology looks at the preference set by a publisher and then adapts accordingly to encourage more website traffic, improve user experience, and accumulate more video ad revenue. Since the video is self-hosted, it can appear directly in search results for keywords it ranks for. A recent study on an Ezoic publisher who just began using Ezoic in September 2020 shows how a publisher can increase their revenue (+200%) just by implementing video.

Additionally, the Video Player now has an Overview tab, where you are provided:

  • At-a-glance performance metrics for estimated video earnings & video play count in the last 30 days
  • Comparisons in Revenue and Plays
    • Current week vs. Last week
    • Current month vs. Last month
  • The ability to track daily and monthly improvement for both revenue and video views
  • Insight into your top trending videos
  • An easy platform to upload new videos, upload video batches, or import videos from YouTube. You’ll also now see a total count of uploads and uploads still processing.

How can I get more information on video?

Resources on Ezoic’s Video Player can be found on the website and in our learning database

More information on video is coming up this month! During Content Month, we have an entire week dedicated to creating video content, its benefits, and some special guest speakers on webinar discussing video strategy. Stay tuned August 22-26, 2022 to learn more!

Whitney is a former journalist for numerous city-wide newspapers and online media sources and an accomplished digital and creative marketer. She has multiple years of digital publishing expertise and contributes regularly to all of Ezoic's content sources.

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