Whether you have a website or not, you’re already familiar with the digital ad industry. You experience it every day and you too can get a piece of the hundred billion dollar pie.
Knowing where to start can be difficult but now you can learn about what ad buying and selling consists of, what strategies you can play, prerequisites for starting in ads, as well as how and where to learn more.
What are display ads
When talking about having ads on your site, more often than not you’d be referring to what we call display ads.

Display ads have been around since the second iteration of the web. Today, they’re one of the most efficient ways to digitally advertise and everyone looking for brand exposure is buying ads, which is great for you – the website owner.
While the process has changed over the years and the authority and data has switched hands, the basic concept and functions have stayed the same.
Internet ads work like this: there are advertisers and there are publishers.
- Advertisers want to reach their desired audience as effectively as possible.
- Publishers want to fund their websites and use ads to monetize their content.
Millions of advertisers exist in the advertising space that you can choose to monetize your site with. Many of these players make up the Display Lumascape. These partners can range from small ad tech businesses, ad ops shops, heading bidding services, and monetization platforms.
There are so many hands in the money pot that these players often take more value from publishers than they give back. That’s why at Ezoic, we’re here to give the publisher the most transparent look into their ad inventory.
What will be more interesting is the way ads will be supported or transformed with the rise of Web3. Here’s our take on the future of the internet.
What you should know about placing ads on your website
When you have a large amount of content published on your site, it’s smart to look into ad placement. Here are a few basics to grasp:
- One of the most important things you can do is have a large catalog of content on your site. We’ve seen that publishers who have over 75 articles written grow the most, while those who have less than 25 articles have little to no growth. Having a site filled out with menus, blogs or articles, tools and apps, forms and other info is critical to building your audience and earning revenue from ads. Your visitors will show more engagement and earn you more through ad partners with a more complete looking site.
- Something to consider is that if you want to work with Google’s ad demand, you need to adhere to their policies. The full AdSense program policies have a detailed list of how to be Google compliant.
- Another thing that’s seen quite a bit is people saying that ads slow your site down. And theoretically yes, all ads will slow sites down, no matter where you turn. You can limit the impact of ads by having things like a fast WordPress theme and web-safe fonts.
- Having a speed tool like Ezoic’s Leap is the perfect combination to monitor Core Web Vitals and site speed.

Other options for ads
Besides programmatic display ads, there are other avenues that are worth exploring. Depending on what type of site you operate, what your content is, and who your audience is, you may find that a combination of these strategies works best.
An option most people think of when talking about earning revenue on a website is affiliate marketing. This involves placing links on your site promoting products. You will receive a fixed amount or percentage of the sale for every order placed via your link so this is all dependent on your visitors.
Pages that typically get the most traffic like your home and other landing pages are the best places to insert your links.
Another option to consider would be having direct deals featured on your website. This is where you’d be connected directly with an advertiser, not through an ad network doing real-time bidding. This advertiser would get to display their creatives on your site for a fixed price and time interval.
To best focus your efforts, try any combination of these – programmatic display, affiliate, and direct deals. The success in trying new methods will ultimately depend on your existing network/desire to develop it and the time you’re looking to spend.
You can learn more about using affiliate links among other ways to earn revenue on your site.
Continue your education
If you’re looking to start a website, just getting started, or have long experience in managing sites, Ezoic has your back in terms of resources to better your knowledge base. We’ve helped publishers from all stages grow even further in visitors and revenue.

Read what Tyler Bishop has to say in regards to starting a new site. He gives tips and tricks on what’s needed, what type of sites to start or consider, what trends are becoming more popular, where to focus your efforts, and much more.
What Ezoic has to offer
Choosing Ezoic means having more than just an ad network. What we include gives you the invaluableness in having a well-rounded, healthy site set up to succeed for the long term. The all-encompassing toolset and support will help you maximize your revenue. What used to take entire ad operations and data teams, can now be done through Ezoic.
What makes us the best is our programmatic ad testing ability. Over time, your ePMV (earnings per thousand visitors) continues to grow, helping your ad inventory remain valuable. Moreover, when placed in personalized locations, they tend to enrich UX.
At Ezoic, you can also split test however you feel necessary. We’ll show you how we’re doing more through AI and machine learning to increase your earnings.
We’ll have a specific product for beginners coming very soon who are looking for an even easier setup for ads. If you’re not quite ready or want an effortless entry into putting ads on your site, stay tuned for more updates.
Just start
If you currently own a website, look no further on how to make passive income a reality and continue your growth month over month. If you don’t have a site yet, now is the best time to start.
Signing up for Ezoic means having unrivaled revenue optimization, help with site speed and SEO, along perks like a community, the opportunity to win grants, and more.