Live Case Study: How to Quickly Scale Email Lists Using Existing Facebook and Search Assets


Michelle Toole

Michelle Toole

Live Case Study: How to Quickly Scale Email Lists Using Existing Facebook and Search Assets

This is a continuation of our Live Case Study series showcasing Michelle’s journey, following along how she is building a series of publications generating millions of unique visitors monthly.

In our previous case study, we discussed how one of the best ways to recover from Google’s [Unhelpful] Helpful Content Update was to pivot to diversifying your traffic and income to come from multiple platforms. Before you break your phone from imagining having to devote more time to yet another platform, please remember that you’re able to build your audience and traffic on these platforms, namely email and Facebook, with content you've already spent years creating for Google!

In fact, when we had a massive setback a few months ago when one of our main traffic sources died on us, we immediately pivoted to replacing that income with traffic from multiple Facebook pages and email lists. Not only did we double down on Facebook, which every single publisher needs to prioritize as the foundation for their publications, but we also ramped up our monetization efforts from email. 

You can monetize your email list in one of several ways – below is a list of how quickly you can start earning revenue from zero dollars to real dollars: 

  1. Drive traffic from your list to your website and make money from Ezoic ads (note: email traffic has one of the highest EPMV’s relative to any other traffic source!)

  2. Drive email traffic to affiliate offers

  3. Sell sponsorships on your email list

We recommend a mix of all three, but first thing’s first, you must actually grow your email list first!

How to grow your email list by 1,000 to 10,000 new subscribers per month using Facebook

Email newsletter. We’re steadily growing HHL’s email list by 5,000 to 9,000 subscribers per month by using Infinity Engager and the website to convert traffic into newsletter subscribers. The goal is to get to 20,000 new subscribers per month and to earn a baseline of $1,000 per month for every 10,000 subscribers from the newsletter” (quote from our 1st case study).

Update since then:

Despite a turbulent last few months, especially one of the slowest summers on industry record, we’ve been able to keep the email list growth steady and actually marginally growing by spreading the growth across multiple lists - we expect to really ramp these numbers up in Q4 as the traffic and engagement velocity picks up. Our smaller lists are on track or beyond earning $1,000 for every 10,000 subscribers while the really large lists (100k+) we are very slowly building up to this point as they require a lot of re-engagement. We detail all of this below. 

Growing a new Facebook page is easier, cheaper and more effective than ever before and, interestingly enough, is one of the fastest ways to grow your email list too. Unlike building a website and generating content for it that you must painstakingly optimize for search engines, which often takes months for you to understand if you’re heading in the right direction or not, you can start a new Facebook page today and start driving traffic to an email signup landing page tomorrow. 

We covered the basics of starting a new Facebook page or growing an existing one quickly from scratch in our last case study, as well as the type of viral content to produce to make the page really hum along with high engagement, so make sure to read that first. 

Maximize post engagement and automatically respond to all commenters with email newsletter signup prompts using Infinity Engager

Once you’re sharing viral memes on Facebook, they will quickly start to get tens of thousands in reach, likes, comments, and shares. Not only can you earn money from the Facebook Performance Bonus program for these, but you should also be leaving newsletter signup prompts underneath each image and for each commenter! 

Here's how:

  1. Sign up for and connect your Page to Infinity Engager, the AI-powered automated comment responder
  2. Make sure you have an email signup landing page - preferably with great freebies to encourage them to sign up 
  3. Set up your prompt to respond to commenters with a unique response to each comment followed by a link to your email newsletter sign up
  4. Boost your engagement on Facebook as much as possible by running tons of super viral memes that generate as much engagement as possible! Remember to leave comments on your own posts and ask your friends to do so as well - this will create an upward spiral in engagement as the engager will automatically respond to each comment, others will see how many comments the post has and will then interact with it out of curiosity. 

Here are some examples of varied types of posts with Infinity Engager responding to commenters prompting them to sign up for the newsletter: 

Example from a brand new page:

HHL email signup prompt.jpeg

Example from a more established page:

DN 1.png

Dn 2.png

So, what are the results from this kind of approach when one leaves newsletter signup prompts for thousands of viral comments a day? 

DN newsletter signup.jpeg

If one is earning $1,000 for every 10,000 subscribers, this new list growth will result in $1,000 additional revenue per month. Do this for one year and that’s an additional $12,000 per month in revenue on top of your existing base. Keep it up for a few years and soon you’re earning an extra $100,000 per year just from email revenue once all of the growth compounds. 

Here’s a video we created showcasing all of the above and how to grow your email list organically and supplementing that growth with engagement tools like Infinity Engager:

How to monetize your email list and how to keep growing it

We mentioned above how to monetize your list in one of three ways, with you ideally stacking all three monetization options. We run many different email lists across many different niches at Publisher in a Box with our turn-key email monetization team and our rule of thumb is that one generates $1,000 for every 10,000 email subscribers (yes, really!). Here’s how you can stack monetization methods like we do:

How to drive traffic from your list to your website and make money from Ezoic ads 

  1. Take your most popular articles and re-share them on Facebook with the most engaging title and image possible. Then move on to your less popular articles- test them all out! We outlined exactly how to do this in the last case study
  2. Once you see what is performing well, produce more content like this and make sure to distribute that content on Facebook, email, Pinterest AND optimize it for search. Get those multiple income streams going! 
  3. Make sure to A/B/C test newsletter subject lines, this is essential. 

How to drive email traffic to affiliate offers (or to your own products)

  1. Make a list of top affiliate companies offering products in your niche and register for them. The more traffic or sales you can produce, the higher affiliate payout rates you’ll be able to negotiate. Try a mix of drop shipping products and digital products, or your own products! 
  2. Once you refine your sends and what you’re offering, soon your per email revenue will shoot way up. Here’s an example of how much a single email send can generate on a list of just 10,000  subscribers once you have it optimized (taken from our records over the last two months):
    • Commission from 1 email send: $625
    • Commission from 1 email send: $279.88
    • Commission from 1 email send: $250
    • Commission from 1 email send: $305.77
    • Commission from 1 email send: $250
    • Commission from 1 email send: $500

How to sell sponsorships on your email list

  1. First focus on growing your list as much as possible and getting as much traffic and audience as possible. Once you have this, you’ll be able to charge much higher sponsorship rates. 
  2. Make sure to have sponsorship and advertising pages on your website, and just drive as much traffic to your website, the offers will come as businesses check out your website and assets!

Each one of these points is of course its own world which our team painstakingly obsesses over and you will need to as well as the opportunities come in, but one step at a time! 

As an aside, make sure that you’re using tools to boost subscriber engagement if your open rates are low or your list needs to be revived (let us know if you need some recommendations for this). 

Here’s a video we created showcasing how we manage the email list, how we use Ezoic’s Big Data Analytics to guide our email marketing efforts and how we create the emails themselves:

Looking ahead, what’s next heading into Q4?

Everyone knows the summer is brutal for traffic and revenue, so this is the best time to optimize everything and get ready when things start to pick up come September. We especially want to be prepared for Q4 which comes with the highest EPMVs and payouts! How?

  1. Grow and prepare the Facebook assets for maximum engagement
  2. Optimize the email lists for maximum deliverability and top up the content schedule with great offers and traffic drivers to the website
  3. Optimize your website for higher EPMV’s with your friendly neighborhood Ezoic account manager 
  4. Be ready for algorithm updates and stay ahead of them
  5. Exercise more and drink less to keep up with the workload and reduce stress ;) 

We wish you the best of luck ahead in your efforts to grow your own publications, as we do for our own - that new swimming pool won’t upgrade itself after all! 

Michelle Toole

Written By: Michelle Toole

Michelle Toole is a co-founder of Publisher in a Box and Infinity Engager; companies developed to rapidly grow and monetize online publications. Her strategies, systems, and technology have generated hundreds of millions of unique visitors and millions of dollars in revenue. Contact her to learn how you can grow your publication's traffic by 1,000% to 10,000% in a matter of months just like in this case study.

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