
Swingcompleto.com stood out as a leading authority in Latin American baseball coverage. Yet, even a successful site with millions of visitors can unlock new heights when the right partnership is forged.

Case Studies & Research

How Ezoic Helped Swingcompleto Increase Programmatic Revenue by 85% and Expand Into New Markets

Swingcompleto.com is a resource where fans never miss out on the latest sports news.

  • Start Date: January 2023
  • Niche: Sports
  • Monthly Visits: 2,500,000
Customer Experience


overall revenue increase


EPMV increase


more impressions vs. previous year

Research Summary

The Challenge

Swingcompleto.com is a sports news site that focuses on Latin American major league baseball (MLB) players. With 42 million unique visitors annually, Swingcompleto is an authoritative website in the sports niche. Daniel de Malas Andreu, Cuban CEO and founder of Swingcompleto, saw quick traffic growth which transformed his passion for blogging into to a large-scale business. Previously, Swingcompleto monetized with AdSense, however, Daniel felt there was an opportunity to better understand his site performance. Ultimately, he was looking for a long-term partner that could help increase overall ad revenue and provide hands-on support, all while preserving user experience. Daniel and his team were wanting to experiment new ways to grow their business and finding the right partner to help them
achieve their goals – especially in time for their site’s peak performance (the postseason) – was key.

The Approach

Swingcompleto chose to partner with Ezoic, a Google Certified Publishing Partner known for its advanced technology that balances user experience and revenue. After meeting the team,
Swingcompleto was optimistic and confident that Ezoic would improve their ad revenue and overall growth given their expertise, high-level of communication, and support.

In January 2023, Swingcompleto wanted to improve site performance in preparation for the upcoming season. First, Ezoic analyzed Swingcompleto’s previous ad setup through AdSense and implemented new, higher viewability placements that would perform given their audience and mobile-first format. Next, Ezoic evaluated the advertising demand within Google Ad Manager and ensured that Swingcompleto’s inventory was setup to yield maximum programmatic revenue through Ad Exchange, header-bidding partners and Premium private marketplace deals. Lastly, Swingcompleto found an opportunity to target a wider audience as indicated by Ezoic’s Big Data Analytics. This led Swingcompleto to write content beyond just Cuban players. Throughout the 2023 regular and postseason, Ezoic continued to understand the business and provide recommendations to increase revenue while maintaining a positive user experience.

The Results

During the 2023 MLB postseason (October 1st - November 1st), Swingcompleto saw an 85%
increase in revenue and 50% more impressions versus the previous year's postseason. Additionally, Swingcompleto saw traffic increases in several Latin American and South American countries including Venezuela (303%), Honduras (127%), Puerto Rico (33%), Mexico (116%), Colombia (325%), and Chile (543%). Ezoic’s implementation of a unique, optimized ad layout tailored to each user combined with providing data-driven insights for creating content on all Latin American MLB players, contributed to the website’s revenue and traffic uplifts. Swingcompleto’s continued YoY growth is driven by its successful partnership with Ezoic.


“Ezoic has been a great partner, as we have been able to develop new targets for our
readers, including several baseball stars from Latin America, while also adding coverage
for other sports, like NBA, UFC, and soccer. Our partnership with Ezoic is based on
constant communication and proper implementation of good practices, all which
impacted our growth and reach” - Daniel de Malas Andreu, CEO and founder of Swingcompleto.com

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